Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Come in New Year!
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
A siege of The Castle

The Camera Obscura

Saturday, 27 December 2008
Poor Mary
Since reading Antonia Fraser's biography of the Queen of Scots and then watching one of my favourite actresses Samantha Morton playing the queen in Elisabeth: The Golden Age by Shekhar Kapur I was really keen to see Queen's private chambers in the Palace. I guess I might get qualified as some kind of a stalking fan as I was gasping with excitment at seeing every bit of her personal belongings (a pomander, some strawberry red hair, a cat and a mouse embroidered by the Queen's hand with an awkward writing a catte on it), infamous little chamber from where Rizzio was dragged out and stabbed 56 times in the presence of a heavily praegnant Queen - it were actually just two little rooms in the whole of the palace but they made me start reading 758 pages of Fraser's book with great pleasure all over again!

Do not buy the Titians!
Until we reached these infamous, pomylka Freudowska, Titians.
Maybe it was the fact that both images were recently renovated, maybe it was the fact they were painted for Philip II of Spain, a character I have never liked or maybe it was just their palin, blant, overpopulated look of custardy flesh and not brilliantly executed piles of bodies.
We gasped in horror - so many millions of quids for something so mediocre? Please do buy something worth all that money instead this expensive junk, just because it has that label attached to it!
P.S. I cannot help but wonder, as Carrie Bradhaw would put it nicely, how surprisingly National Galleries do not differ much from Harvey Nicks - in both places one can see overpriced junk, coveted just because it is signed with a particular name.
Coming back to Rembrandt again was such a relief and meeting Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch - a pure joy!
Friday, 26 December 2008
Sale time!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Merry Christmas my friends!

Monday, 22 December 2008
Alternative Christmas tree
It will only get better from now on

Saturday, 20 December 2008
Noisy neighbours

Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Santa without a beard

Monday, 15 December 2008
Fast downturn
We had such a nice, wind down weekend at Haddington again, watching Harry Potter adventures and decorating two christmas trees. Good food, great company, bliss.
Tomorrow more bussiness meetings are waiting for us.

Friday, 12 December 2008
Samsung scores 10 brownie points

I will never be famous...
• Four be the things I'd have been better without: love, curiosity, freckles and doubt.
• It serves me right for keeping all my eggs in one bastard.
• I went to convent in New York and was fired finally for my insistence that the Immaculate Conception was spontaneous combustion
• Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.
• It's not the tragedies that kill us, it's the messes.
• I'd like to have money. And I'd like to be a good writer. These two can come together, and I hope they will, but if that's too adorable, I'd rather have money.
• Scratch a lover, and find a foe.
list of quotes by Dorothy Parker
P.S. This post is dedicated to Nuala who reminded me about Parker's wit again. And that men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. Do contact lenses count?

Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Bluebeard's junk secrets

Monday, 8 December 2008
Things that annoy me
Friday, 5 December 2008
Gloomy Auld Reekie
You wake up when it is darkish and you hope that it is going to improve when the day establishes (and with a cup of tea) but no, it does not and then it is just getting darker and darker until a night falls.
We are approximately at the same lattitude as Norway but the gulf stream makes all the difference so when they have snow up to their knees in April we here have +5 degrees all year round.
You wake up and shuffle to the bathroom to have a shower but our one is not at all invigorating: we nicknamed it "sikutek" ("piddle") so if I had Rapuntzel hair it would take me good couple of hours to rinse the shampoo out.
Then is the soup - why on Earth they have to add milk and sugar to perfeclty all right carrot soups? I can understand it added to a black tea (though it still took me years to get used to it) but to a perfectly all right vegetable stock?
Anyway, I am going to have one because since we are heading to Haddington for the weekend (and to do some organic shopping there) our fridge is cold, empty (except that half of it is filled with films) and uninviting all but for this one container promising some tasty time.

Pogoda tutaj zdecydowanie nie ulatwia zycia.
Od kilku dni slonce nawet nie pokazalo sie na niebie, pokrytym gruba warstwa chmurnej piany, niczym starbucksowskie latte. Kiedy wstaje jest ciemnawo, ale licze na to, ze sytuacja ulegnie zmianie na lepsze w ciagu dnia - nic z tego. Moze zrobic sie juz tylko ciemniej.
Nawet prysznic nie daje rady mnie orzezwic - nadalismy mu ksywe "sikutek" bo tez taki strumien (glownie) wrzatku z siebie wypuszcza. Na szczescie nie mam warkoczy bajkowej ksiazniczki, bo wtedy rzeczywiscie nie pozostawaloby mi nic innego tylko splukiwac godzinami na wiezy wlosy pod tym ciurkajacym strumyczkiem.
Na szczescie herbata jest lepsza tylko nie mige zrozumiec dlaczego i wszystkie zupy maja dodany cukier i mleko?
Mala probka zimowej atmosfery w materiale zdjeciowym ^.
Potrzebuje jeszcze jednego cieplego swetra.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Landscape special

Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Śnieg, snow, la neige
My Mum will be staying with us for almost two weeks and I am planning to do some serious tourist sightseeing with her. Especially since I am seriously armed with a Wardlock & Co illustrated guide (reedited after almost 50 years) and absolutely brilliant invention which is The Edinburgh Literary Companion by Andrew Lownie. (I have been using a Paris version by Ian Littlewood when living for a while in the French capital. It was most revealing about the history of places and numerous famous people connected with them. It is hopefully still in safe hands of Kasia's bookshelves...).
I took a picture on North Bridge (the literary companion mentiones that Stevenson watched the departing trains from here and Ian Rankin's Set in Darkness misterious death scene is also set in this street).
They have put a brass plate in the pavement on the spot you are supposed to stand to take the best picture of the city panorama.
Most ingenious!

Monday, 1 December 2008
At war with the obvious

Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Applepie for Ecas
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Haddington weekend is over, back to work

Friday, 21 November 2008
Edinburgh for locals

Thursday, 20 November 2008
In town
Now I am just MINUTES (and I mean that, not 90 minutes but 5 minutes) from college, city center and Filmhouse in Lothian Road, where we have celebrated our more permanent arrival with afternoon screening of 'Der Baader-Meinhoff Komplex' with extremely charismatic Johanna Wokalek as Gudrun Ensslin (ah, this trendy smokey eye makeup of hers, unfortunately not designed for my type of face).
We were almost alone in the cinema, except a group of girls from a language school, who later comented joyfully on how many new German swearwords they just became familiar with (my favourite was 'kwatch' - Monica, please correct me on spelling of this one if I am wrong!)
Official website:
Wreszcie sie sprowadzilismy 'na powaznie' do naszego edynburskiego mieszknia - kilka minut (a nie 1,5 h w autobusie...) od centrum, mojej uczelni i roznych atrakcji typu Film House przy Lothian Road gdzie swietowalismy wczoraj na popoludniowym seansie 'Der Baader-Meinhoff Komplex'. Charyzmatyczna Johanna Wokalek prawie zmusila mnie, nie nie do terroryzmu (chociaz kilka napadow na banki by sie przydalo hihi) ale do zrobienia sobie oczu na granatowo, mimo, ze to styl kompletnie nie zgodny z moim typem urody - mam wtedy oczy jak jalowka!
Oczywiscie stresuje sie tym, czy w obecnym klimacie ekonomicznym bedzie nas stac na takie mieszkanie w centrum (na razie nas stac ale tez nie widac kolenych wiekszych zlecen) i utrzymanie naszego krakowskiego mieszkania...

Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Work a little

I deliberately decided to create this blog as a place about my personal life but as I spend 95% of my time thinking, dreaming, wondering about my work aka something I am very passionate about, so why not to boast a little?
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Workspace takes shape

Our flat starts to take shape: Simon installed our workspace yesterday. We have also bought our first decent storage for prints and various bits of paper that should not be stored vertically but flat (fellow photographers know what I am talking about) - we should have owned one years ago, really.
I am going to add a nice rug for under the table now so we do not get cold feet while working, but also to inject some color into the space and to make it less officy.
Dispatched some more presents today for friends (Kasia is having her B day this Monday!) and we are busy with creating some promotional materials for our bussiness (have a look at We are going to make a tour around Edinburgh agencies so it would be great to leave them some promos about all that brilliant work we are doing!
Nasza przestrzen mieszkalna wreszcie zaczyna jakos wygladac: Simon zmontowal wczoraj nasz nowy, wielki stol do pracy. Kupilismy tez pojemnik z szufladami do przechowywania ogromnej ilosci przeroznych papierow w ktorych toniemy a ktore powinny lezec plasko - marzylismy o czyms takim od lat i wreszcie jest z nami.
Mam tez juz kolorowy chodnik w sympatycznych kolorach, ktory ma sprawic, ze caly pokoj przestanie wygladac jak biuro i bedzie tez przyjemnym pomieszczeniem do po prostu przebywania.
Jestesmy zajeci tez promowaniem naszego biznesu i wkrotce czeka nas stresujace ale niezbedne zajecie prezentowania portfolia w roznych agencjach reklamowych. Oby przy obecnym klimacie ekonomicznym mieli wieksza ochote zatrudniac wolnych strzelcow wykonujacych swietna robote za umiarkowanie duze pieniadze.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
If only we were not rentin'

Our flat starts to take necessary shape but a girl still can dream, right?
This is a toilet at the resto - bar Le Kong * designed by Philippe Starck, images of sumo children by Charles Fréger.
For those living in Paris (hint, hint) the address is > Kong, 1, rue du Pont-Neuf, 75001, Paris, 01 40 39 09 00
Monday, 10 November 2008
Simon Superhero
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Flat files

(please click on the image to enlarge it/ kliknij na obrazek to zobaczysz go w powiekszeniu)
^ There are some items I could do with in our new flat (I would really need a dog, but it is out of the question with our current lifestyle).
Hopefully we will be able to move in sometimes next week!
Kilka rzeczy, ktorymi nie pogardzilabym , gdyby zagoscily w naszym nowym mieszkaniu ( tak na prawde, to najbardziej brakuje mi psa ale to w obecnej sytuacji marzenie scietej glowy)
Material zdjeciowy pochodzi z calkowicie obslinionej przeze mnie strony/ Currently I am drulling over this website :
Fascinating work of other people, part 1
These completely different fields of interest helped in creating me as a designer (a degree in graphic design) but also as a curious personality, curious especially about other ways of expressing one's abilities.
I have an interest in dancers - people who able to be absolutely in control of their body -while I can only ride a bike and swim a little + I have never danced .
A fact that fascinates me the most is that they are able to remember complicated arrangements of movements, minute after minute, bar after bar - I seem to have a completely different kind of memory.
Thanks to my mum's professional contacts I had a chance to observe how choreographers work, though I have observed their cooperation with professional ballet dancers.
This time it was cooperation with somebody who also works with body as she is an actress (one of my favourite ones, I must admit) but does not think as a dancer/choreographer. I am talking about a work of dance theatre 'In-i' by Juliette Binoche and Akram Khan (with visual design by Anish Kapoor and music composition by Philip Sheppard).
Constantly reinventing herself French actress, trained as as hard as GI Jane to be able 'to keep up with the golden spitfire that is Khan' as Jenny Gilbert from Independent summed brutally these litres of sweat by describing months of hard work as 'mildly clumsy kinetic efforts of La Binoche' .
Ms Gilbert should have watched the documentary about the whole preparation process of this performance, recently shown on British tv, to be able to take into consideration her harsh oppinion. As it maybe sells the papers but does not do the justice to the performers.
Critics might be judgemental, that is their job, but I have watched the whole broadcast nevertheless, simply glued to the tv screen.
Especially fascinating moment comes 'when Khan takes the stand to tell his story, about when he was 10, and at the mosque, and owned up to the mullah about being enamoured of a non-Muslim girl at school. There is violence in his story, both implied and shockingly actual, and Khan transmits it grippingly. For a few minutes you forget the other soggy drivel, as Khan ricochets between voicing the fierce mullah and the terrified boy, then explodes in an angry rant, spitting out syllables – perhaps from the Koran, but perplexingly we're not told'
Khan is a fascinating performer, just type his name into Youtube to get a glimpse of his work as the show at the London National Theatre finished on 20 October 2008, way before I have planned my trip to London.
Bio note: Akram Khan was born in London in 1974 to Bangladeshi parents. As a child, he studied kathak, the north Indian classical dance form, won competitions and was cast in Peter Brook's 'Mahabharata' at the age of 14. After a dance degree, Khan began developing a highly personal style, mixing kathak with western contemporary dance. Multiculturalism being the buzzword everywhere in the arts, he couldn't have timed his arrival better. Yet his success is just as much due to a staggering technique, his charisma on stage, and a fierce intelligence that makes him a setter rather than a follower of fashion. Artists as diverse as the writer Hanif Kureishi, sculptor Antony Gormley, and even the ballerina Sylvie Guillem, have queued up to work with him.
full review here:
Thursday, 6 November 2008
The first ... caramel president of The United States of America

Excellent portfolio of images by Callie Shell:
Title of this post courtesy of Simon.
No i mamy pierwszego karmelowego, jak go okreslil Simon, prezydenta Stanow Zjednoczonych!
Powyzej link do swietnego portfolio dokumentujacego kampanie.
Znaleziony przez
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Jigsaw plot
Jolly times. Especially for catholics.
So we celebrated with flapcjacks and sparklers (we did not have anything to create a bonfire of as I refused to get rid of my collection of old French Vogue issues), especially that we successfully managed to buy a biiiiig working table and hopefully comfortable bed on our yesterday's trip to local Ikea store.
To let some steam off the family started assembling a jigsaw puzzle - it is going to be a looong night...
Some other news : Philip is celebrating his birthday in Paris - Happy Birthday Phil! So that all your coming ventures are successfull!
Hopefully our present managed to reach him by now.
If you would like to visit his blog, just click on the title Home on the bloggroll on your right.
W 1605 katolicy zawiazali spisek majacy na celu obalenie krola za pomoca wysadzenia budynku Parlamentu, w ktorym ten mial goscic wraz z cala rodzina. Osoba odpowiedzialna za odpalenie ladunku uczyniono pewnego zolnierza o nazwisku Fawks (a imieniem Guy). Jeden z uczestnikow spisku ostrzegl jednak swojego brata, zeby danego dnia nie uczestniczyl w obradach Parlamentu i tak metoda gluchego telefonu, cala sprawa sie rypla. Uczestnikow spisku przepuszczono przez narzedzia tortur, skazano a nastepnie w zaleznosci od wyroku, pocwiartowano, spalono lub powieszono.
Na pamiatke wykrycia spiskowcow, cala Wyspa, zapala ogniska i strzela petardami, chociaz my, z braku materialow nadajacych sie do puszczenia z dymem, odpalilismy tylko zimne ognie.
Po tak ekscytujacych wydarzeniach, rodzina rozpoczela medytacyjne rozpracowywanie ukladanki z 1000 elementow. Mam nadzieje tylko, ze nie robia tego na czas...
Z innych newsow - dotarlismy wreszcie do Ikea (zdjecia zakupow wkrotce) a Philip w Paryzu obchodzi dzisiaj czterdzieste urodziny! Wszystkiego najlepszego, Phil! (namiar na jego 'elektroniczny pamietnik' znalezc mozna po prawej stronie, pod haslem HOME)
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Mississippi Monday

My favourite show in British TV at the moment is a documentary by Stephen Fry about his journey across United States of America in a black London cab. He is now riding along Mississippi river hence a chocolate mud pie, courtesy of my 11 years old stepson. Fingerslickin' good, yeah!
Monday, 3 November 2008
Home, sweet home

Our flat seems to take shape finally as we start to unpack our stuff.
All the boxes have arrived, intact and even not too much squashed which still baffles me after that journey they have been through.
Now we just need to get a bed, a working table and some chairs. Ebay seems to be suprisingly devoid of the reasonably sized tables to pick up in our area, so I am affraid we will have to find solace in the scandinavian empire of flat packed furniture. However, anything I would like to get there, seems to be out of stock on their website. Even loobrushes!
Have you ever seen an empty Ikea?
Powoli zaczynamy rozpakowywanie naszego emigracyjnego dobytku. O dziwo wszystkie pudelka przyjechaly cale i zdrowe, z zadowoleniem odfajkowywalam kolejne pozycje na liscie w miare jak panowie przewoznicy wnosili je na nasze trzecie pietro.
Nadal poszukujemy stolu do pracy na Ebayu ale po wygodne lozko udamy sie na wyprawe do IKEA, mimo, ze wszystkie interesujace nas obiekty, na ich stronie internetowej, maja zaznaczony znaczek 'wyprzedane'. Nawet zwykla szczotka kibelkowa jest dla nas niedostepna!
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Might need botox soon
Who chooses these promotional images? On what basis?
Czy ktos moglby mi wytlumaczyc, dlaczego oni patrza w przeciwnych kierunkach? Czy doprawdy nie bylo lepszego zdjecia? I ta naburmuszona Bond Girl na dokladke.

Pumpkins and ghosts

I did not take much interest in Halloween, which was celebrated here day before yesterday. I cannot actually understand the whole hype, though it was interesting to see girls with drawn fangs on the night bus home.
Celebrations are definitely more sombre in Poland, with people visiting their family graves in quiet and remembering their passed away parents or friends.On the other hand, our neighbours celebrated in style, Mark wearing a bedsheet and running around the house with hoo-hoo sounds. His children instead running away in fraight, started to punch him, which says a lot about modern seven year olds.
Jakos nie specjalnie dotarlo do mnie, ze mamy Helloween, zupelnie nie rozumiem calego zamieszania z dyniami, kupowaniem gadzetow w ksztalcie duchow oraz dorysowywaniem sobie klow, co czynily z zapalem dziewczeta w autobusie, ktorym wracalam akurat do domu.Cale to anglosaskie zamieszanie komercyjne jeszcze nie dotarlo do Polski z pelna sila, my jestesmy zdecydowanie bardziej powazni we wspominaniu naszych bliskich i przyjaciol, ktorzy odeszli. Nasi sasiedzi swietowali natomiast z rozmachem, Mark biegal po domu przykryty przescieradlem wydajac 'uduchowione' dzwieki. Synowie jednak zamiast uciekac w poplochu, spuscili mu manto, co mowi wiele o dzisiejszych siedmiolatkach.
Na pocieszenie zdjecie dyni, ktora chlopcy wycieli z okazji swieta.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
1,2,3, proba mikrofonu
My first ever post has been lost, so not a good start.
So we finally waved good-bye to Krakow, edited our lives into 60 boxes (not that many since 40 were dedicated to books and the remaining 20 to darkroom and photographic equipment...) and relocated to Edinburgh.
I just hope that our friends and my family who stayed in Poland are doing all right. And that somebody is feeding our courtyard cats before winter in Krakow sets in for good.
So moving into new life starts right now!
Dziwnym trafem moj pierwszy post sie nie zapisal, nie za dobry poczatek notatek z relokacji.
W koncu pozegnalismy Krakow, zredukowalismy uzbierana graciarnie do 60 pudel (wcale nie tak wiele, jesli wziac pod uwage, ze 40 zajely ksiazki a pozostale 20 gadzety z ciemni i studia fotograficznego) i przeprowadzilismy sie do Edynburga.
Mam tylko nadzieje, ze ktos karmi nasze koty z podworka. Tuz przed wyjazdem pojawilo sie 9 nowonarodzonych i boje sie, ze wiekszosc z nich nie przetrwa zimy bez regularnego dokarmiania, o co nie podejrzewam zamieszkujacych kamienice studentow.
Mikrofon alias blogger przetestowany, zapraszam na gorne pietro autobusu, wyruszamy.