Since I am spending so much time doing my work, some people were inquiring what I am currently working on, since my firts term of postgraduate studies officially finishes tomorrow.
I am doing a weird landscape project, my dears. I am trying to create disillusioned Scottish landscape. Here is a sample from the latest shoot and finally the whole thing goes in the area I wanted it to direct: something that looks badly stitched in PS but what actually is fully crafted by photographer's hand, no CDI involved at all. I am even considering use of a large format camera (which so far I was restricting just for a studio use but in this context it might help to have the whole process fully handmade).
The weather does not make it any easier - my assistant and I nearly froze to death near Hollyrood Palace gardens!
Poniewaz od kilku tygodni nic innego nie robie, tylko pracuje, postanowilam pokazac nad czym ze to.
Projekt dotyczy pejzazu (a jakze , przeciez jestem w Szkocji) i zabawy efektami iluzji optycznej: to co wydaje sie zle skrojonym montazem fotoszopowym, w rzeczywistosci jest po prostu odpowiednio oswietlona makieta budynku. Po kilku sesjach widze, ze wreszcie wszystko zaczyna isc wizualnie w wypracowana przeze mnie strone.
Szkoda tylko, ze pogoda na prawde nie ulatwia spracy: prawie zamarzlismy z moim asystentem na zboczu tego wzgorza (uwaga! to samo centrum Edynburga) o 4 po poludniu...
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