Saturday, 27 December 2008

Do not buy the Titians!

After yestarday's shopping bonanza, my mum and I (as Simon was still treating his cold with a prolonged stay in bed) decided to venture into more cultural environment aka National Galleries of Scotland to see their collection (pas mal indeed). It was a feezing but sunny day and spending couple of hours in warm rooms of the exposition , strolling from Velazquez to Rembrandt, back to Hals and off to Boticelli again was indeed a very pleasant way of spending a Saturday early afternoon.
Until we reached these infamous, pomylka Freudowska, Titians.
Maybe it was the fact that both images were recently renovated, maybe it was the fact they were painted for Philip II of Spain, a character I have never liked or maybe it was just their palin, blant, overpopulated look of custardy flesh and not brilliantly executed piles of bodies.
We gasped in horror - so many millions of quids for something so mediocre? Please do buy something worth all that money instead this expensive junk, just because it has that label attached to it!
P.S. I cannot help but wonder, as Carrie Bradhaw would put it nicely, how surprisingly National Galleries do not differ much from Harvey Nicks - in both places one can see overpriced junk, coveted just because it is signed with a particular name.
Coming back to Rembrandt again was such a relief and meeting Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch - a pure joy!
(reproduction of painting by Sir Henry Raeburn from NGS website)

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