You wake up when it is darkish and you hope that it is going to improve when the day establishes (and with a cup of tea) but no, it does not and then it is just getting darker and darker until a night falls.
We are approximately at the same lattitude as Norway but the gulf stream makes all the difference so when they have snow up to their knees in April we here have +5 degrees all year round.
You wake up and shuffle to the bathroom to have a shower but our one is not at all invigorating: we nicknamed it "sikutek" ("piddle") so if I had Rapuntzel hair it would take me good couple of hours to rinse the shampoo out.
Then is the soup - why on Earth they have to add milk and sugar to perfeclty all right carrot soups? I can understand it added to a black tea (though it still took me years to get used to it) but to a perfectly all right vegetable stock?
Anyway, I am going to have one because since we are heading to Haddington for the weekend (and to do some organic shopping there) our fridge is cold, empty (except that half of it is filled with films) and uninviting all but for this one container promising some tasty time.

Pogoda tutaj zdecydowanie nie ulatwia zycia.
Od kilku dni slonce nawet nie pokazalo sie na niebie, pokrytym gruba warstwa chmurnej piany, niczym starbucksowskie latte. Kiedy wstaje jest ciemnawo, ale licze na to, ze sytuacja ulegnie zmianie na lepsze w ciagu dnia - nic z tego. Moze zrobic sie juz tylko ciemniej.
Nawet prysznic nie daje rady mnie orzezwic - nadalismy mu ksywe "sikutek" bo tez taki strumien (glownie) wrzatku z siebie wypuszcza. Na szczescie nie mam warkoczy bajkowej ksiazniczki, bo wtedy rzeczywiscie nie pozostawaloby mi nic innego tylko splukiwac godzinami na wiezy wlosy pod tym ciurkajacym strumyczkiem.
Na szczescie herbata jest lepsza tylko nie mige zrozumiec dlaczego i wszystkie zupy maja dodany cukier i mleko?
Mala probka zimowej atmosfery w materiale zdjeciowym ^.
Potrzebuje jeszcze jednego cieplego swetra.
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