Friday, 21 November 2008

Edinburgh for locals

This morning Simon was catching a 6 am train to London so he had to go through the city at dawn to the train station. In the Royal Mile a big, fat fox came towards him.
The Royal Mile is as central in Edinburgh as one can get - and we are now living just minutes from it.

To illustrate some November views of the city I am enclosing an image I took yesterday from my college window - our street is the one on the left.
The main plan is get out there in a woolly hat and keep taking some pictures, fox or not fox.


Dzisiaj rano, kiedy Simon szedl przez miasto na stacje, zeby zlapac pierwszy poranny pociag do Londynu wielki, tlusty lis przecial mu droge. Simon schodzil wlasnie w dol Royal Mile, w samym centrum miasta. Lis nawet sie nie obejrzal.

Dolaczam zdjecie zrobione z okna uczelni zeby ziulstrowac listopadowo-piktorialne widoki na jakie napotykam teraz w miescie, do ktorego musze sie wybrac wreszcie z normalnym aparatem a nie moim 'pikusiem' na 7 megapixeli. Aha, oprocz aparatu konieczna bedzie tez welniana czapka.

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