Wednesday 7 July 2010

I am back!

We are back from our short summer trip to Poland. I was helping my mum with her international young ballet dancers meeting while Simon was taking pictures for his backstage project during the performances. We have managed to meet lots of our dearly missed friends in Krakow (thank you so much for even cancelling your previously arranged plans to be able to meet with us! We were extremely touched because we really miss you, guys!), we even have managed to oil a wooden kitchen top in our old flat between one tenant moving out and another moving in. It was nice and weird to be able to stay there - like stepping into a very happy past.

Meanwhile today I went to Edinburgh's Film House to finally see Il sono amore, a very powerful, sensual film featuring my favourite actress of all times - Tilda Swinton. It is good to see such film after coming back to your home in a foreign country. To me it was not about being true to your own feelings, decline of burgeoisie or capitalism but about not loosing your identity when moving to live in a foreign country.

Oh, and I even have a very similar hairstyle to Tilda in pringle of Scotland advert now since managing to book an appointment with miraculous hairstylist of mine in Krakow. He said I should be safe from the Scottish haidresseres for at least 3 months. I wish I knew who does Tilda's hair! Though I bet she does not cut it in Scotland...

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