Tuesday 13 October 2009


I was trying to get to the train station today to get my train ticket for Thursday's trip but I have failed miserably. I got half way and had to return home - I have felt so bad, so weak and so sick!

I do not know if dismantling of the Princes Street Garden's flowerclock had something to do with it, probably not, just the weather - one can definitely feel a wintery chill in the air. The flowerclock was there so colourful throughout all Spring and Summer and all over sudden it was gone, dismantled in pieces, anouncing that colder weather has arrived.

I will have to deal with my tickets tomorrow. After all day wandering around the flat and numerous cups of hot, very sweet tea (dear Monica, thank you so much for your Akazienhonig! It definitely helped to fight back my throat getting sore!) and one of old Simon's jumpers (how clichee) my head feels much clearer.

I am off to bed to meet with Georgiana's world.

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