Monday 7 June 2010

I hope you have had a fantastic weekend!

Mine was like that definitely. I have noticed that I like company more nowadays while before I could have spent days on end without even speaking to anyone, perfectly happy with just myself and my internet connection - now I crave a real human contact.

The department BBQ was a perfect opportunity to catch up with some of the friends who will be soon leaving for London, Taiwan or US and to have a more in depth conversation with the head of department who very kindly provided a lift for me and another tutor. For an hour way to the Tyninghame beach we went through ageing (David said he used to have a nickname 'pretty David' in his youth! And now he is getting significantly balder!), teenage children (Lyovka will be turning 13 this summer as well as Dave's son Samuel who already has a breaking voice, interest in porn and that not very good looking weak moustache appearing on the upper lip), past (David used to be a leading singer and a guitarist in a successful rock band - he played several songs from a 35 year old tape he had in his car and the music was excellent! I wish I could get hold of it somehow but it was a really good rock, perfect for driving on A1 in the scorching sun! I know he is mastering these tapes for Samuel and sometimes goes on stage to play the guitar but I would love to hear some more because I really liked it!), relationships (Arnaud's girlfriend is a really high flyier and her latest job is probably going to take her to Portugal so he is wondering if he should move from Scotland and follow her as we all know that long distance relationships seldom work), Scottish way of avoiding precised answers (as foreigners, Arnaud and I observed that Scottish people would never tell us what they really think - they would just stop getting in touch! Well...fair enough, I suppose if it works for them, though I am finding it a way too easy solution. Maybe as a Catholic I am more emotional? I throw plates first and apoligise later?) and the most important - photography.

Oh and the BBQ was tasty too!

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