Monday 30 November 2009


We went out couple of days ago for a client meeting in Peebles, a kind of a Scottish Nowy Targ in my opinion. A bus goes there once an hour and takes a very scenic route through hills and valleys full of white dots of sheep. On our way back there were two men having a very vivid conversation on a bus and I have been counting that one of them used f* word 184 times, which makes it 3 f*s per sentence. I do not mind a good strong f* word to underline one's deep thought or getting emotional but doing it 184 times in space of an hour? Soul destroying.

It was freezing cold we have missed a bus which left 10 minutes ahead of schedual and we had to wait in a pub for an hour cuddling a glass of Macallan whiskey which is definitely not my favourite drink but it turned out to be much more subtle than other ones I have tried.

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