It has been a while, the Pope (the Pretender one) went back home (Simon managed to catch a glimpse of his vehicle disappearing up the Lothian Road) and it is raining now a second day solid. Luckily
I have my special sturdy shoes though I do not really have to get out today at all. Simon is having a well deserved lie in while I am trying to decarnage my desk, finish some work tasks and perepare endless lists of things I
cannot afford to buy on my trip to Paris in November (my lovely parisian friend Aurelia has agreed to put me up at her place again! Thank you so much My Dear! One stressful thing off my head. Now I have to stress over the price of the air tickets and the lenght of my unrealistic shopping list...). So a moderate
Meanwhile here are some pictures from our visit to Dunblane, on a chilly but sunny day last week. (I think I prefer this combination to warm, wet and extremely humid that we are having now. The light has to permanently on the whole day, even though usually when it is sunny I have to pull down the blinds to take the brightness one mark down.).
We had a lunch in the famous Dunblane Hydro and had a look inside of the cathedral (because of having a cathedral Dunblane is a city!). We have also bought two tasty steak pies from a local butcher and read this interesting plaque about a chap who wore his gloves on top of his head:
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