Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Scotland is still blocked by snow and courrier companies with the Postoffice in tow refused to take on more packages to be send before Christmas. Therefor some of you will not be able to get your Xmass greetings from us on time - I will add some New Year greetings as well, to keep the cards more appropraite especially when you receive them after Christmass...

Here are several images to give you an idea why it is actually difficult to get out of the house: shops scare you with their empty shelves as even big retailers are not getting their stock on time, buses are runnung even less reliably than ever, underneth the snow there is a black ice hiding - a Scottish weather invention which is basically a very thin layer of ice on the tarmac which you cannot see untill you actually slip on it dramatically, people who have never heard of winter tyres and are still driving, a runner on Meadows who jogged by barefoot in the snow (my first though was that somebody must have stolen his shoes! but then I spotted white cable of his iPod, so maybe just Shackelton was his idol), a hot chocolate that does not keep you hot for too long, a high heating bill, not being able to crawl out of bed in the morning, a threat of a photoshoot in the snow far away from home and with frozen models...

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