Autumn is inevitably settling in. I went out today in a woollen scarf and my new wet weather boots. As usual I came accross some people just in their tshirts and shorts but some goosepimples on their calves just proved that the Summer is over. If it actually ever ventured that far North on the Gulfstream. Another umbrella got broken today but I proudly paraded with it, not taking care of a slight wobbling of the construction. It was still protecting me faithfully from a permanent drizzle.

Images actually come from several days ago when we peeled ourselves from in front of our computers and hours of image-adjusting and ventured out to have a lunch made of a baked potatoe, bought from a cafe in Royal Mile called Always Sunday (you bet, when you do freelancing!). Due to last days of the Festival there were no seats available inside so we ate our lanch sitting on the steps of the back entrance to the St Giles Cathedral. It was a last sunny day of September - it has been raining ever since.
I had a lovely two hours chat with my friend Monika from Krakow. We were discussing how Annie Leibovitz is going to pay back her debts. The deadline was yesterday, I think!

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