I have never thought that a day like this is going to come - I was wearing SANDALS today in Edinburgh! People were occupying with their picniques any patch of grass in the city and I have heard 'What a beautiful day, isn't it?' on my way to meeting with Simon after college, at least three times. To which one could only answer - indeed it is!
Well, to some extent - there is not a house nr 44 in Scotland Street!
What are you biggest fears?
Mine are: first a scare of loosing my eyesight. I had a brief but very dramatic sample of the feeling couple of years ago when my retina got detached and I was the best candidate for an eye patch. Luckily it all got sorted out by a fabulous eye surgeon in Krakow and I am still seeing with both of my eyes. But I have to be very carefull...
The second fear is of a destruction of my little status quo in the family life: my Dad died 6 years ago and I do not think that I will ever really manage to overcome his disappearance from my life. Things are not going to be the same again. it took me couple of years to delete his mobile phone number from my mobile.
I am currently living in my own happy bubble, surrounded with fabulous, loving people - I will do anything I can not to destroy it but some things just happen independantly of my own will.
Therefore we got frantically scared today when we received a call from Haddington that Lyovka had been whisked off to intensive care in the night! The image featured to illustrate this post comes from our visit from just two days ago (we all went to the Gallery of Modern Art to view their expo 'Artist's Rooms') and now his life is threatened seriously!
He woke up in the night and was not able to breath. He went all violet so Simon's parents called for an ambulance. He was given shots of adrenaline and steroids and the whole IC section of the Sick Children Hospital in Edinburgh were there desperate to help him. Luckily his condition stabilised but a lung specialist said befuddled that they had no idea what it was. 'That really gives me cause for hope' commented Lyovka still breathing with difficulty.
We had barely the time to put our coats on when we rushed to hospital. Apparently Lyovka's symptoms were simmilar to ones of the much dreaded krup virus which usually does not attack children of his age. Couple of hours later he was transferred to a regular ward and after having his lunch let off home. I just hope he is going to have a nice calm sleep tonight, breathing healthily in his own bed.
Swine flu seems to be slowly pushing to the number two in the main headline news, with some more cases discovered in Scotland. We were coming back on a bus and we were desperately trying to move away as possible from a guy who was carellessly sneezing over other passengers and spitting on the bus' floor. He was obviously not wearing a sombrero but he also clearly did not hear what Sandi Toksvig said on 'News Quiz' radio show last Friday: 5 is Pandemic, 6 - pigs take over.
There was also a more reassuring comment that pigs are very intelligent - should not we hope that they are already working on the vaccine?
P.S. Listen to the programme for 4 more days here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006r9yq
or have a look at Sandi's columns in The Sunday Telegraph (beautifully illustrated every week by Brett Ryder)