Simon came back from London very excited and with his mood visibly lifted after enthousiastic receiving of his project. So maybe this funding is going to happen after all, but tsyk tsyk, simply keep your fingers crossed.
Simon also brought couple of nice prezzies from the capital - he had a look at the Deutche Burse Prize exhibition in Photographers Gallery (they moved recently to a very posh location just off the Oxford Circus - so he was even able to do some shopping for me in the Muji shop in Oxford Street) and also got Simon Roberts' signed copy of his 'Motherland' in the gallery shop.
We tend not to buy photographic books anymore after the removal we had to get rid of about 95% of our collection so we realised that in fact, apart from our favourites (Norfolk, Brandt, Leibovitz, van Meene and couple of others) we really do not feel any more any urge, whatsoever, to buy expensive, heavy, bulky photographic books. Simon said that Roberts was the only exception (mine is Alec Soth but hopefully ECA's library is going to get his 'Sleeping by the Mississipi' soon) and what is more - he got a signed copy. Well, signature looks like it's been signed by the seller in the gallery bookshop during a boring afternoon but the whole publication is exquisite - brings to mind vivid stories in Kapuscinski's 'Imperium'.
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