Wednesday, 11 February 2009


I have officially embraced another decade of my life today. I still do not feel like somebody in their 30ties and hopefully do not look like one but getting older will now have to be something that I have to put up with. Even red lipstick is ageing me now beyond belief so I will have to adapt so that not to look like an off duty transvestite who forgotten to wipe all the make up off.

I will have to think soon about a baby, a mortgage, a wedding (not especially in that order), ageing parents and new competitors whose hot breaths I feel constantly on my back.

We did not have time to celebrate today and I am not sure if I could survive a bash a la maniere katemossienne so today's post is illustrated with a picture of bangers and mash + posh afternoon tea at a Broughton Street cafe we had the other day.

Also a million thanks to my friends who bothered to call/send emails/texts - I love you all and thank you very much that you were able to stand me throughout all those years. I am wishing us all many more to come!

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