Thursday, 22 January 2009

Stand up

A thing I really love about Britain are their stand up comedians.
We have heard in Poland about Shazia Mirza thanks to an article in WO (whose performance I have missed during last Edinburgh Festival, helas! the show was completely sold out) but my favourite (and relatively unknown in Poland though you might have spotted him in Ocean's Twelve where he wears definitevely less make up) is Eddie Izzard.

I saw him very first time on tv when in a rerun of his 1999 show "Dress to kill" where he speaks NON STOP for 1,5 hours and it is a brilliant, ultimately hilarious monologue not just a verbal diarrohea. He is simply the best at being two people at the same time having a dialogue with each other. What is his Scottish connection? He is simply the best at doing Sean Connery's voice!

My favourite clip from this show is here.

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